The Farewell Sermon Summarized

With Dhul Hijjah currently ongoing and us getting closer to the Day of Arafat and Hajj, I thought it would be a good idea to summarize a few key points from the farewell sermon of the Prophet ‎ﷺ. When this Khutbah was given, this was during the time of the largest gathering of the Sahabah... Continue Reading →

Hadith on Gaining Rewards Even After Death

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) said, 'When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except three for which the thawab (reward) keeps reaching that person even after death: Sadaqah Jariyah (act of charity, the benefits of which continue) Knowledge through which people continue to benefit later on Children who... Continue Reading →

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